
6505 W. Bancroft
Toledo, Oh 43615
(419) 843-9663

Spring Mulch Tips

 Decorate and protect your beds now, before the heat of summer sets in

Spring is the best time for mulching in Toledo, and April and May provide perfect opportunities to keep your plant and flower beds protected before the heat of summer. Cleanwood Recycling has put together the following tips to help you plan your mulching needs, and to keep your yard looking great year round.

1. Always scout the landscape first: 
Look for problems and things that look out of place. Determine what is wrong and consult a professional to treat accordingly. Even though this is a great spring tip, its just as important all year long as different insects and diseases have different times of year that they are active.

2. Fertilize before and after: 
Feed your trees and shrubs while plants are actively growing which will provide better flower color and plant vigor, helping them become stronger, healthier, and better able to withstand insect and disease problems that may occur. Make sure to use the appropriate plant food in your beds before mulching, and lay some down on top of your mulch for long lasting penetration.

3. Rake your beds thoroughly before mulching: 
All flower and plant beds will need a thorough raking. This will remove any debris that has allotted in your beds over the winter. This material is great to add to a compost pile if you have one! Otherwise dispose of it properly to help prevent the spread of any potential disease.

4. Take the time to re-edge your beds: 
An important step that is often over looked, edging all your landscape beds helps clearly define the line between the landscape and lawn. This prevents the turf from growing into the mulch too. Edging adds definition to your landscape and gives it a well maintained look!

5. Don’t skip the mulch: 
By applying mulch, you will help minimize weed growth, help with moisture retention in the soil, and regulate the ground temperature. Many people think mulch can last for several seasons before needing replaced, but this is rarely the case. Also be sure to ask if your mulch should be removed, or can be tilled into the bed soil.

6. Remove old mulch before laying new: 
Occasionally, mulch will begin to build up around your shrubs, trees, and foundations. It is important to remove all this old mulch prior to installing new so that you don’t exceed that 3″ maximum. Allowing the mulch to build up creates an environment conducive to insects and disease, it also ties up the nitrogen in the soil preventing your plants from being able to use this essential nutrient. .

7. Spring is a great time to plant too: 
Spring is a perfect time to plant too. With the temperatures still at a comfortable level, plants are able to adjust to their new environment with minimal stress from heat and drought. It is also a good time to divide and transplant any existing perennials that have become overgrown. Move them to another area of the landscape or give them to a friend!

8. Don’t over mulch: 
Mulch looks great when its installed in the spring and has many benefits. However, when it’s allowed to accumulate, especially when it forms a cone shape around the plants, problems arise like rot and the development of adventitious roots.

9. Questions? Contact Toledo’s Mulch Professionals: 
As always, if you have any questions about your mulch or mulch needs, or would like more infomartion about how to best mulch your beds this spring, don’t hesitate to call the boys at Cleanwood Recycling. We’ve got a team of expert landscapers and contractors that can help you pick the right product for your yard, and keep your house looking great year round.

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